about schrödingers cat
what if it's not about "the cat is dead and non-dead at the same time" (having a superposition in that sense) but more about "the cat is ___" but we have no vocabulary? --> thinking about the unsharpness principle of heisenberg --> what if quantums are actually something, but with a language we do not know?
about sound and music and patterns
one note = singularity
can't have a pattern
but can be the multiplicatable fundament of a pattern (me: "original piece")
two notes = multiplicity
can be a pattern // is harmonic to each other ^ state of relationship ° sound
can be not a patter // is disharmonic to each other ^ state of relationship ° noise
t1 music = (state of) relationship between two (or more) notes
harmony = investigable through sensitivity
pattering = investigable trough observation
transmittion =
it's more than sound (e: one note) but minimum a collection of two (sounds) and it doesn't really matter if they are harmonic or not, they are always pattering. harmony is maybe easier to grasp, while disharmony needs a certain state of rationality to be discovered.
about sound as the language of universe
what if before was music before language and both is sound, that is not more than a freuqental pattern?
In that sense, is nature creating music with its patterns?
logic in that sense:
1 thing: singular, can't have a pattern, but is the origin maybe (maybe that is also why the quantum is unpredictable; meaning, even the atom is always somewhere - because it is not in relation to something else?)
2 things: pair, can be enharmonic and avoid the pattern, but this is still a relationship towards each other
2 things: pair, can be harmonic, building pattern
music is music because it is more than one sound, it's minimum a collection of two, so they can be either harmonic (pattering) or enharmonic (still pattering)
music is then further the relationship between one sound and another sound; meaning by sound: frequental exchange of information
the nature then is the painter while the inhabited being is a singer?
melody is harmony?
what if language is following the same principe, with a conscious paternizing (first through speaking, later trough writing)?
so was there first language or music?